Companies > Legal Check-Up
Just as a medical check-up can reveal, for example, nutritional deficiencies that a reasonable person would want to have rectified to avoid serious consequences for their personal health, a legal check-up can reveal deficiencies in the legal documentation of a company that should be rectified to prevent the occurrence of damage or other problems, or to mitigate the consequences as far as possible if the occurrence of damage or other problems cannot be avoided.
examples of issues that a legal check-up can bring to light
- Corporate: The documentation of the share transfers since the company's incorporation is missing, incomplete or inaccurate. The supposed current shareholders cannot prove the legal ownership of the shares in their company.
- Corporate: The documentation of the general meetings and resolutions of shareholders and of the meetings and resolutions of the board of directors and the executive board of the company is missing, incomplete or inaccurate.
- Employment Agreements: The agreements with the employees contain unclear provisions or are otherwise incomplete or inaccurate and the company's personnel regulations have not been validly incorporated into such agreements.
- Customer Agreements: The agreements with the company's customers do not contain any limitations of liability in favor of the company or other fundamental provisions that should be addressed to clearly define the rights and obligations of the parties and to minimize potential conflicts with the company's customers.
- Intellectual Property Rights: Individuals provided development services before a software company was founded, but the copyrights were never transferred to the company after its incorporation. In addition, freelancers were engaged for development services, but the agreements did not contain any provisions on the transfer of rights to the company.
we help you get it done right
- As transaction lawyers, we have already conducted numerous legal due diligence reviews of many different companies in various industries. We are familiar with many general and industry-specific issues and can quickly determine individual areas of focus.
- We can identify all types of deficiencies typically found in the documentation of companies in Switzerland and know how to rectify them cost-effectively or reduce deficiencies that cannot be fully rectified as far as possible.
- With our legal check-ups, we empower companies to reduce their risk exposure, to better manage their ongoing risks and to get it right from the beginning in the future. Prevention is even better than cure.
what else you can expect from us
- Availability and Reliability
- Service Mentality
- No Legalese: We Speak Your Language
- Goal: Clarity & Certainty for You & Your Business
- Pricing: Flat Fee, Time Spent, or Combinations
Legal Check-Up: Services
tailored to your individual needs
We would like to understand your needs so that we can provide you with considerable added value with our services. After a free, non-binding initial consultation, we will be happy to provide you with an offer that is optimally tailored to your individual needs.
schedule a consultation
We usually respond to your request within 2-4 hours on business days.